AI-Powered Fact-Checker

Analyze, fact-check, and assess the legitimacy of a content.

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Elevate Fact-Checking with AI-Driven Precision

Enhance your fact-checking capabilities by integrating the power of AI with Vext. Equip your LLM with LLM that have access to dual search engines to verify content accuracy efficiently.

See It in Action

Generate a Tweet
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John Doe @johndoe 1h
Hey, click "Generate a Tweet" to get started! #llm #aifactcheck

How It Works

Add Tools (Google Search & DuckDuckGo)

Set up two search engines as tools for LLM to verify the accuracy of tweets. This dual-engine approach will improve the reliability of fact-checking by cross-referencing information from both sources.

Configure LLM Response Structure

Choose an LLM to cross-check tweets and search results. This model will analyze the tweet and comparing it against data retrieved from multiple search engines to validate accuracy and authenticity.

Seamless Integration with Your Application

Incorporate this pipeline into your fact-checking bot, app, or website to create a robust backend engine capable of analyzing, retrieving, and evaluating the legitimacy of content.


No, this is merely an example to illustrate how Vext can be used to create an efficient and reliable fact-checking engine for various types of content.

Vext currently provides tools such as ArXiv, DuckDuckGo, Google Search, PubMed, and others for search and information retrieval. We are continuously expanding our offerings to enhance your capabilities.

At Vext, data security is our top priority. We've made sure: (1) the data you've imported is encrypted and only accessible to you and your AI only, (2) the LLMs that we offer are only from trusted vendors that doesn't use your data for training purposes and able to enforce encryption. (e.g. Azure OpenAI models vs OpenAI).